What Inspires Us?

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Inspiration comes in all forms and at all times. (Sometimes in the middle of a stormy night when you’re already awake, and ideas and realisations find the space to calmly settle in your mind.) 

Inspiration is a sense of possibility. That spark in us that something more is yet to be done, yet to be created, yet to come into existence.

And true inspiration always finds its way into action.

The reason other people inspire us is not because they tell us to do it, but because they show us. 

…they pave the way by doing it, they lead us to the point of seeing what they see, or they light a spark in us that sees something new. They make it ‘safe’ for us to do because they are doing it, or because they ‘hold the space’ for us to do it.

One of the reasons the Fearless Club exists is for us to share our inspiration, give it a voice, give it a place, give it an action. I started writing these posts so that my (many many!) thoughts would have a place to go, a natural home to find expression, an opportunity to be shaped into ideas, and a reason to come into being as tangible creations.

As I have said to you before: You inspire me.

And I invite you to share your inspiration: that idea, that story, a brilliant meal you just cooked, a painting you made, a success story at work, a piece of writing, a rewarding conversation with a loved one. Share it.

If you feel held and inspired, share it with me.

And if the inspiration guides you, share it with us.

Our fears tell us not to step out, not to shine a light on our inspiration. To let it stay silent in the safe confines of our minds or our most intimate conversations. 

Our inspiration only comes into its own when we act on it, and it grows when we shine a light on it.

Stay fearless, stay inspired.

And I know you’ll light many more sparks along the way, and inspire us on our journeys.


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Unity in Diversity – Balancing the Masculine and the Feminine


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