Thought vs Action
Happy Monday, Fearless ones!
This is a thought I have thought of sharing with you for a while, with a picture taken from a beautiful hidden spot in Bulgaria some years ago…
Everything that we fear lies in our thoughts.
When we worry about the future or concern ourselves with the past, we distract ourselves from the step we are meant to take NOW.
Instead of simply putting one foot in front of the other solidly, safely, securely, we allow our fear to speak even louder through our thoughts:
“What will happen if I do this, how will people judge me, will I lose the safety I have now?”
“What happens if it doesn’t work out, how will I survive, how will I ‘save face’, what will it mean about me?”
“Do I really know enough, have enough to go for this next step? Am I really enough as I am now? Aren’t others better than me?”
“Do I really deserve this? What happens if I succeed, will my life change too much?”
“How does society react to people who go for their heart, am I not supposed to be a certain other way?”
“No one really believes it can work, maybe I’m wrong?”
“Wasn’t I hurt last time when I tried something similar? Can I really risk it again?”
“Shouldn’t I just stay where I am, or take a safer path?”
We allow ourselves to be ‘confused’ about our next step, or think that we don’t know how to take it, or justify taking a step (big or small) that we know is not in line with our ‘truth’, with what we would love to create in our lives. In truth, there is a wisdom inherent in us that KNOWS.
Its role is to guide us to the next step that we are ready for, and to show us how to take it. But we are afraid of listening to this wisdom because we are used to relying on external voices to guide us, and we don’t understand how something so intangible within us could possibly be so powerful and show us the way. We even try to bring our wisdom down to the level of fear:
“How can it ask me to do this, doesn’t my wisdom know the dangers involved?!”
Going beyond our fears to where our hearts want to lead us is how the greatest things in the world were created: the greatest inventions that changed the world, the most inspiring art that moved us to joy or tears, the most wonderful love stories that elevate us, and every remarkable story of wealth and abundance. Our hearts want to lead us into adventure, beauty and hidden corners of our own power, potential and possibility, beyond even our own imagination. All we need to do is follow them, and allow our natural creativity to take over.
We don’t fail because we take the ‘wrong step’. We ‘fail’ because we allow ourselves to become fearful and lose focus in the moment that we take the step, and so we falter, or lose our balance, or take a slightly smaller or bigger step than our wisdom told us to. And we also ‘fail’ because we stop there. We attach meaning to each faltered step as a failure, and let it take us back into our fear zone of worrying about the past or future, rather than simply looking at it as a step, and asking ourselves: What is now my next step to get to my destination?
The only thing that stops us is fear of failure…and the only thing that causes failure is fear.
Living A Life without Fear is about…
…knowing your true destination that your wisdom, your heart wants to guide you to – all your dreams, your potential, your creativity and passion fulfilled…,
…taking each step one at a time as presented by your wisdom (and knowing how your fear will try to talk you out of it) - even if it takes you beyond your comfort zone in money, relationships, taking care of yourself, your authority, your expression…,
…and keeping an unshakeable focus on your destination – every step is just a step, and even when you think you have faltered, all you have to do is refocus on what you would love and take the obvious action until you get to your destination!
Wishing you a beautiful week….one fearless step at a time.