What Does It Take to Create?


Dear Fearless Club,


What does it take to create a labour of love?

We have often heard that it takes “blood, sweat and tears” to create something that means a lot to us.

But, it occurred to me yesterday that blood, sweat and tears are all experienced by our physical body - and yet, so many of our creations never even make it to the physical realm because they remain ideas or desires in our minds. 

I had a profound realisation around this. There are things I want to do, ways I want to be, ideas I want to bring to life. But they live only in my mind. I make myself happy knowing that I have those ideas, those plans, those wishes and desires – but so many of them are nothing more. They are not creations unless we bring them to fruition, to realisation, to birth and growth in the material world. - I don’t let some of my most important creations come to life, because I never create them beyond a thought in my mind.

A vision, a desire, an idea, even a ‘dream’ or ‘legacy’ is only a concept. Until we make it real.

Perhaps what it really takes to create things, in reality, is “heart, will and fears”.

Heart…is our unbreakable connection to vision, the desire, the end result. This is that spark that lights us up and powers us on. It is our reason to go on, the dreams that we truly long for and hope to see in reality. The heart is a symbol for what we love.

Will…is our unshakeable strength, our ability to make knowing choices. It is our willingness to act, to choose our heart, our determination to bring into creation what we would love. Our will is the bridge from our fears to our heart.

And fears…are inevitable. They are what protect us in the physical world, and are the ‘gatekeepers’ that keep us safely within the walls of where we are now. Every time we want to create something in the physical world, that is, to bring an idea into reality and create something new….our fears will come up and try to distract or dissuade us. But our fears also tell us something important: that we are just at the gate of our comfort zone, and are ready to go create.

We cannot create our vision if we don’t know what it is. We cannot begin the journey without a roadmap, or at least a beacon of where we would love to be. 

We cannot create if we are not prepared to act, to make the journey ‘physical’. To take a step, and then another, and then another…even it feels uncomfortable and even when we come face to face with our ‘gatekeeper’ fears.

And we cannot create if we don’t speak to our fears and ask them to let us pass.

Every time we want to bring into creation something that does not exist, our fears will proceed to show us all the options that are safer, faster, surer. Our connection to the essence of what we would love will tell us if we are being offered alternatives or distractions. But if we avoid this conversation with our fears, we will never get beyond the safety of our mind, where inspiration and fears co-exist in stasis. - And we must choose whether our inspiration will create something real.

Or not. 

Thank you for ‘listening’ to my rambling thoughts…I hope these may serve to create some value on your own journey to create.


With love,


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