Want to Create? Here's one word to do it...
Dear Fearless Friends,
This month we have been keeping our focus on what it takes to create.
One word that landed with me some years ago, and keeps coming back to me now, is: “Commit.”
Commitment is not the only factor in successfully creating what we love. But for me, it has been the single thing lacking every time I have failed. Every single time.
When my fears came up (knowingly, or more often, unconsciously) I backed off in some way. I withdrew my energy. I ‘changed my mind’. I did something different. I gave up. And, of course, things didn’t work out. Not only did I not get what I wanted, but something worse happened. I lost a job, I fell seriously ill, I sabotaged friendships. All because I gave in to the discomfort that inevitably arose at some point, and allowed it to sway me from what I had committed to.
When there’s something we want, we desire, we long for… it seems to be in the future, in the distance, in a faraway place from where we are now. And it’s so easy to go some part of the distance, and then back off…or change course away from what we wanted…or question ourselves or our vision…or step aside for others….or just stop. Sometimes, we don’t even realise that that’s what we’re doing.
But how can we walk the road and arrive at our destination if we stop, or go backwards, or change our minds and wander off somewhere else?
No matter what you’re going for today…commit.
Go the distance. All the way.
No matter what obstacles come up, again and again, walk around them. Again and again.
Rest and look after yourself and your loved ones. But don’t stop.
If it seems bleak right now, have your doubts and fears. But don’t give up.
Whatever’s happening around you, work through it. But keep your focus on what you would love.
Magic happens when we go all the way. When we walk through that mist of fear that will inevitably come up in our path, and go beyond. The next part of the road appears in front of us, our intuition guides us, people turn up to support us, the picture gets clearer.
Our vision is usually not as far away as we think. It only seems further because we keeping stopping or going sideways in a fearful zig-zag. That’s okay too, by the way. As long as you keeping pointing forward to what you really want. And keep heading towards it until you’re there.
With unwavering commitment. (Perhaps that’s what unshakeable faith is?)
Whether you want to create something new, do something for someone you love, give up on something that doesn’t serve you, or find your fears and live by your power…whatever journey you are on, go the distance. Don’t stop now.
You are not alone.
The journey to living a life without fear is one we all share. The doubts and fears speak to all of us. We are all tempted to stop, or give up, or do too much and wear ourselves out.
But we also know our hearts. And our hearts will keep us pointing forward, and grow stronger the more we lift and guide and support one another.
We are here together. We are in this together. I am with you.
And you will create what you love. Just stay committed to it. And everything else will fall into place.
Stay focused on your heart, stay committed, and stay relaxed. You are walking the path, you will inevitably cover the distance.
What else does it take to create what we love?....I’ve been thinking a lot about this, and at tomorrow’s Coffee Chat, I look forward to sharing my ‘top 5’ and to hear yours. (The Fearless Club Coffee Chat, Friday 30th April, 3-4 pm UK time | Join Zoom Meeting here)
Have a great rest of the week, and see you soon for another heartfelt catch-up to keep us on our path!
With love,