Creating Beyond What We Think We Know
My Dearest Fearless Club,
As we talk about creating, this month I have been reflecting a lot on what powers us to really create our greatest results, often even beyond what we ever imagined. Most of you have perhaps heard me share stories of how I went beyond my Fear and ‘things happened’ and ‘just worked out’. The other character in these stories, that perhaps I haven’t talk as much about, has been my Intuition.
To me, intuition is the awareness that goes beyond our rational thoughts and logic, even beyond the information we have or what we think we know. It reaches far beyond what our fears can ever see or say.
Over the years, I have learnt to connect with and harness the power of my intuition more and more, to the point where it now feels like second nature. But that wasn’t always the case. There were years when I would fret over choices and tentatively make decisions. Sometimes I would act, sometimes I wouldn’t. I’d miss out on many things I wanted. It didn’t come to me naturally to trust my own authority.
But there were big and small pivotal moments that changed my life forever, and in the process, changed my relationship with my intuition, my inner knowing, my power to create what I love.
And as I reflect back and string it all together, these are five guiding lessons that have come from learning to live by my intuition – despite all my voices of fear:
1. Don’t be afraid to show yourself, even if you fear it makes you weak. – You’ll likely receive more when you are seen, than if you remain in hiding.
2. Don’t be afraid to walk away, even when things seem great. – Sometimes even greater things await you around the corner. And the great things might follow you, too!
3. Don’t be afraid to go for it, even if it’s not perfectly as you want it to be. – We can’t see, except in hindsight, just how perfect a moment, an opportunity, or a person was for us. If it calls to you, go with it. Never mind all the reasons why you can’t or shouldn’t, or all the ways in which it’s not ‘perfect’ timing or conditions or people.
4. Don’t be afraid to wait, even if it feels like you’re ‘doing nothing’. – ‘Functional inaction’ (see ‘Lead Without Fear’ webinar) is also a conscious act of doing and can be a creative space for greater inspiration and results to emerge.
5. And don’t be afraid to grow, even when you worry that you’re not ready. – The only time we are ever fully ready is probably the time when we are ready to move on to our next challenge and growth…the one which we don’t feel ‘fully ready’ for! We grow from where we are, not from where we think we should be.
(If you would like to read my stories behind these learnings, you can read the full article here)
With all the learning and growth that still lies ahead of me, the one thing that I do feel I have finally learnt is that I have all the answers within me.
And my journey to live a life without fear is, in fact, my journey to listen to, interpret and act on the subtle ‘voice’ of my intuition – in all the ways that it may choose to speak to me.
It has always led me to ‘magic’ and what my heart most longs for, in beautiful, mysterious, effortless ways – and I have finally stopped doubting that it always will.
And life becomes an enchanting balance of embracing the vulnerability of not having all the answers, with a simultaneous knowing that I do.…powered by a curiosity to explore all the wonderful ways in which life will next unfold, and take me beyond what I think I know.
With love, and the magic of creating from your intuition,