Thought vs Action
Everything that we fear lies in our thoughts.
When we worry about the future or concern ourselves with the past, we distract ourselves from the step we are meant to take NOW.
Instead of simply putting one foot in front of the other solidly, safely, securely, we allow our fear to speak even louder through our thoughts
Wednesday Wisdom: Love
Today, I wanted to share with you this quote from Plato’s works that have layers of depth and meaning for me:
“Love is simply the name of the desire and pursuit of the whole.”
(Plato, The Symposium)
Fearlessly Create Loving and Supportive Relationships
Strong, loving relationships that hold us, support us and encourage us to thrive are what we seek, and what fuel our growth as human, social animals. And yet, most of us find ourselves in relationships (work or personal) where we either don’t feel truly loved and appreciated, or we feel that we are not free to fully express our own unique desires, creativity and exploration.
Worry vs Concern
When we care about something or someone, at some point we worry.
We fear that we may not get what we need or that our dreams may not come to fruition, or that we may lose the love of the people we care about, or worse. And so we worry. And our worry tells us to go deeper into thinking about everything that could go wrong, it tells us to feel afraid and awful (even though the thing we worry about hasn’t actually happened), and it tells us to hold on to what is so that what we worry about never comes to pass (even though ‘what is’ is an uncomfortable and unhappy state of worry and fear).